Can´t find the proper selection options for this in blender 2.73
I need to select every other face, but it needs to be either
directly performing a loop
or first perform the every other selection (checker works for one row of faces, but not all faces on objects)
and then perform a loop on perpendicular to it´s initial selection.
Is there a way I must have missed which is in default blender, or is there any addon to deal with this?
Thanks stan_pancakes.
I already did step 1-3…so it was step 4 that was missing, but I think you forgot to mention that after step 4…which brings up the selection mode in the left tool panel, you have to check expand.
But that works, it was a 4 step solution…I would have liked maybe 2 step solution, but this is pretty fine anyway…
I have tried this in lightwave, nth pattern …which is similar to checker, isn´t good enough, and you can do almost the same with loop, select ring…but that is as far as it goes.
I think there may be some plugins in lightwave that uses step selection also…but I think I tried it …and not good enough either.
So blenders way may be better here, will have to revisit various step selection tools in lightwave to verify that.
You know what…
the reason Expand isn´t automaticly checked, that is because I had my mouse not over the object …but in the viewport, but not exactly on the object, thus it doesn´t work, once I have the mouse over the object and hit ctrl tab and faces, it will select it properly.
That’s strange. I just checked again with 2.73, ctrl and shift clicking the selection modes in the viewport header works as it should, i.e. the mouse pointer is down there, not over the mesh.
Anyway, as far as efficiency goes, in older versions of Blender I just mapped 1, 2, 3 to vertex, edge, face mode (didn’t really use the layers in edit mode anyway), with shift and ctrl variants for extend and expand respectively. This is actually now the default mapping in 2.8x. Very quick, very powerful. Especially if you combine it with additional custom mappings like alt+2 to select loops and ctrl+alt+2 to select rings, alt+3 to select boundary loop.