Self portrait

I’ve been working on this self-portrait for about a month off-and-on now, and I feel that even though it’s far from complete that it’s ready to show.
Hoping to get some feedback on the skin shading at this point, as there’s a lot of room for improvement.
I have the eyes closed here, since the eyes aren’t yet complete and detract from the realism at this point. (and yes, it’s almost fully rigged for animation)
The shader is made from two materials noded together, both with SSS and ramp shading. If there’s any interest, I’d be glad to post a .blend with the material.

WOW! Amazing!

that looks almost real…
this might make it to the gallery =) good texture work

can we get a wire

Yes a .blend would be most appreciated. It looks very good. My only crit would be the outter loop of the ear (not sure of the right name for that), it appears a bit sharp and it distracts me to much from the rest of the face…which I have no issues with at all

looks good so far, i agree about the ear, also could we see a picture of you? hard tell if its accurate without one :wink:
