I am trying to replicate this particular plastic used in medical products (in Cycles Render with Material Nodes) and cannot seem to get it to look like the real thing. I get close, but I cannot seem to get the “solid” look to the plastic itself. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I think a refraction mixed with a translucent shader, and then mixed with a glossy, may do the trick.
Some bumps should be necessary, to give it the unpolished look.
You can even try to add some volumetric scattering, if you like.
@IkariShinji and @moony: why use the glass shader when after you mix it with the glossy? the glass shader is already a refraction shader mixed with a glossy, so you end up with the double of reflection calculations… is there something i’m not seeing?
It is - but the glossy is being attenuated by the fresnel - whereas the glass isn’t. Using the glass shader instead of the refraction results in brighter reflections when looking straight on - as well as boosting the glancing reflections (because the glossy reflections contributing to the glass reflections).
For some materials - IMO it just looks better than using straight refraction - the material seems to have a little more punch and dimensionality (render times are slightly longer 18.07 vs 17.64 for 250 samples - but not significantly so).
Top material uses the glass shader - bottom one uses refraction instead (IOR, colour and roughness are the same).