Send to

I know the M shortcut to send duplicated objects to another Layer.
Now I want to send objects, a lamp and a camera, to another Scene.
I wonder if it’s ever possible and if so, what would be the shortcut please ?

By the way I’ve never understood the difference between layers and scenes since a new scene is basically a new layer.

Stop laughing please.

Ctrl+L -> objects to scene.

You’re referring to scene layers. A scene is a much bigger container. A .blend is a Blender scene file. An .obj is a model file.

A scene is like a production set in a studio, shooting a tv show. It contains the environment, crew, lights, cameras, the set itself, props, actors. Scene layers are like rooms they build in that set. Actors and props can move in that set. The director (you) tell in which location, or scene, they should be and in which rooms they’re shooting in that scene.

They have foreseen everything at the Blender Foundation.
I scarcely use scenes.Those are for big project like games.
Thank you for both the enlightment and the shortcut.

i use scenes for each camera angle of my project. that way i can set all the render settings, tweak lights, change compositing, and hide layers to optimize render times.

What kind of project ? web animation, tutorial ?

just a 3d model of a sailing ship. still renders. nothing that impressive. it was my first project in blender that i have revisited over the years.

splitting up the scenes was a recent edit. something i wish i did long ago. i had a big crazy name for all the cameras to remind me of the settings. :open_mouth:

I wanted to buy a fishing boat model no later than last week.
I like browsing models from cgtrader or Turbosquid. Those are incredibly nice!
But also very expensive for my use.

Are you selling models?

sorry, cant help you here.

im more of a coder then artist, so i wouldnt dare to try selling any of my stuff. i want use this model in a later project so i dont want to drag it across the internet yet.

theres a place called blendswap which has alot free stuff. mind the license though.

Let me go on with my interview for the World Shaper News.
Do you always use the latest Blender ?
Which splash screen do you prefer ?
Do u always use Blender ?
How many models have you got on hold ?
Are you a low poly modeler ?

  • i use 2.74 for almost everything.
  • the manual bastioni lab is the only reason i use 2.78c
  • i dont have splash screen enabled, but i do have it on 2.78c so i know im using the new one.
  • sketchup 8 pro is the first modelling software i used, and still use today along side blender. i customized the obj importer to work perfectly with sketchup.
  • most of the models i have are maps and assets for the game im making.
  • i think “architectural” is closer to the style i like.

feel free to send me a PM and mark this thread as solved if you figured out the layer stuff.