Sending properties

I can get one game object to read another objects properties using Copy Property, but I can’t get an object to say “OI, Object Cube10! Your property ‘Text’ is now ‘Magenta!’!”.

Send Message allows you to put a property into the content of the message, but I can’t work out how to get the object to receive the content of the message.

I can send out
Send Message
To: Cube10
Subject: Text
Body: Magenta

But I don’t know how to get Cube10’s logic blocks read the Body.

How is this done? Does it need Python?

That is true. It is a funny point of the Logic bricks that you can put in a value but you can’t do anything with it ;).

There is a way around it. Look at S2A. It provides a function to let you put the message body into a property:

Message sensor (true pulse!) -> Python Module controller S2A.firstBodyToValue -> Property Actuator (setup prop: leave value: empty)

You find a description in Post 5.

alternative way:
when the property changes send a messages as you already do, but no body required. The message itself is the signal for the other object, to copy the property value from the first object.

message sensor -> and -> property actuator (copy mode)
I hope it helps

Thank you - that looks very helpful, and thanks for your quick reply.

Quite a large chunk to learn.

But I think I can manage.

The alternative way isn’t so useful for me— There are a series of objects created through Edit Object: Add Object that should give an info string to a speech-bubble object when rolled over.

It’s for an Objectives menu for this project - - looking at what you’ve been working on I think this may interest you.

You need a script… I have one if you need…

Thanks again, Monster - your script works fantastically, but to be honest I’d quite like to just know how to access other obect’s variables through python.

You can use


Can you do something similar to access another object?

as long you have a reference to the game object you can access all the game objects data.

cont.owner is reference
sensor.owner and
actuator.owner another one
sensor.hitObject is a reference :wink:

or you can parse through all objects of a scene:

scene = GameLogic.getCurrentScene()
allObjects = scene.objects

#all objects with the same name:
myObjects = [obj for obj in allObjects if == "myObject"]

Be carefull with scene.objects[“myObject”] it returns one object even if there are more with that name. This happens when working with addObject or groups.

This functions can be found in the API