Sensor option skip python bug

Hi all, I’m still learn the API of BGE and I notice that the Frequency option change to Skip, but if I use the API function sens.tick_skip doesn’t work, it give me an attribute error, is it a bug or I do something wrong ?

Here the link of the API

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

You’re looking at the bpy module, for use inside blender only. The game engine has its own API.
You can find this API reference also in the Blender docs (bge/bge.types/SCA_…), but also using the ​dirfunction which shows the attributes of the object. In your case, the error AttributeError means that no attribute with the name you provided exists.

Ah ok, but I search in the BGE API and I find just this
well I’m not looking for always sensor option, but for generale option of logic bricks…I continue to search.


Oh well, I find it :smiley: thanks to your suggest to watch the dir function, now is call skippedTicks and it’s works :smiley: thanks a lot Agoose

The Always sensor is a special type of sensor. To find attributes and methods common to all sensors, you must look at its base class:

Have a quick look at this topic. It’s about how to use the blender/BGE API.
In specific, the section on subclassing. All sensors inherit from SCA_ISensor which contains skippedTicks