I finally got around to finish this model i’ve been workin on, its one of those Sentinel robots from the Matrix.
modeled, and rendered in Blender, post pro in Photoshop
Woah! Awesome stuff there! Great materials and lighting and modeling.
Keep up the great work!
awesome model
Very nice…
:yes:that is the single coolest thing i ever saw:yes:
That is excelent! I really like it!
easy five stars! Nice!
Nice how did you model those arms? Is it using dupliverts or something?
Good stuff but there are some things which bring it down considerably…
What’s up with that plane? The wires just disappear in there, I’d guess you didn’t make the claw-like “hands” of the sentinel, and wanted to hide that? Also, the rendering is not the best, if you ask me - so bright and boring, but I think you wanted to put the focus on the modelling.
Which is definitely great, no complains here. It just seems unfinished, the way it is - such a great model would deserve a great rendering, that’s what I’m thinking
Woah. Great job, man. I love the robot tentacles and the sterile, raytraced shininess.
well yeha, the tentacles inda go through the plane instead of actually resting on it lol, and I made them by modeling one segment, then using the array modifier, then I can duplicate and twsit or bend the lines of segments easily.
Is it possible to explain via a quick tutorial how you used the array modifier to make those arms?
Thanx again.
you can find out how the array modifier works on the blender3d website under the release notes
the legs could have been done with just modeling strait legs and using a very simple ringging setup (that would allow for feet to go on the end)
its still really, really great though
Amazing 5 stars. What r u doing for the arms? Amazing!!!
I used the array modifier for the arms Spenn13
They’re called Squids aren’t they in the Matrix ?
Tentacles look good
4 Stars from me, that’s one very sexy model you have there RagingChaos66, keep up the great work! = )
Pretty cool. So are you going to rig it and animate the scene where they’re cutting into the ship ?
If not, post the .blend and I’ll take a crack at it
Very good modeling,
but the render doesn’t do justice to it.
It’s great to see the Array modifier being used for cool models like this
I just finished an “array capping” patch which might be useful for putting feet on the tentacles - it allows you to specify start and/or end capping objects which will be put at the start/end of the array. It’s at http://projects.blender.org/sharea (direct link: http://projects.blender.org/sharea/index.php?action=downloadfile&filename=array_endcaps05.patch ). It should be in CVS soon after release.
PS Sorry if this is too close to thread hijack territory, it seemed relevant