Separating bones from armature

I’ve been trying to separate bones form an armature(Armature A) so that they form their own armature.(Armature B) It is said that “It is now possible to separate selected bones into a new armature using the hotkey Ctrl Alt P.” (

My problem is that when I do try to separate the bones(either in edit mode or in pose mode) they won’t separate. All I get is the error: “Can only make proxy for reference object or group”(in pose mode) and nothing happens in edit mode. Is there a more specific way to do this or does anyone know of another way?

Are you sure you’re using the official 2.46 (or later svn version)? If so, have you tried using the menu entry?

Note: the 2.46 RC builds had this feature in varying states of completeness/correct functioning.


Ah! It seems I did not have the latest one…and now it works! Thanks a mil Aligorith!