I’ve been using “The Official Blender 2.3 Guide” and, of course, the wiki of the 2.4x version, since I’m using 2.42a. I’m still working my way through learning to manipulate everything while creating my first project. I’ve run into one issue several different times.
When I have an object that I duplicate with “SHIFT-D”, I do get the appropriate duplicate object and I’m able to move it into place. I’ve noticed, though, that when I create a duplicate object this way it stays “connected” to the original object. Is there a way to separate the objects so when I select the original the duplicate is not selected as well (or vice versa)?
Sounds like you are duplicating in Edit Mode . If you want to duplicate a separate object do it in Object Mode . If you want to separate the mesh you duplicated from the first one select all the vertices on the duplicate and press P to separate into a new object .
Thanks. Now that I know what to look for, I found all I needed on it. I’m still getting used to what terms to use (SeParate, in this case, but wasn’t sure if it should be something like split, divide, or what). I can see how handy and easy the interface is to use in Blender, but it can sure take a long time to learn all the extra little parts!
On the flip side, I’ve seen I can group objects together, but is there any way, if I have separate objects, that I can join them so they’re all part of one mesh?