Sequencer issues w/ avi timing (not an audio issue)

I’m running 2.48a and have been working w/ the sequencer for several years but have recently run into a problem that I can’t seem to find a solution for.

When I add in several avi clips and add transitions to them (Gamma Cross) they look and work great when I scrub through video but if I play the video from the beginning the clips end way before they reach the transition. I’ve checked my fps on the avi’s and in the render settings and they are both 30fps. I’m not dealing with audio so that’s not an issue.

I never had this problem before they added in support for 29.997fps.

I teach Blender to middle schoolers (age 13-14) in Texas and we’re trying to use Blender as our video editor but this problem is going to force me to go back to using (gasp!) Windows Movie Maker which is a severly limited in is capabilities compared to Blender. Please help! :slight_smile:

After looking through some other posts I downloaded gspot to quadruple check my frame rates on the avi’s and I am now positive that they frame are is 30 fps. So that’s not my problem…

I just tried to reproduce the problem with a couple of clips with everything at 30 fps, but everything worked as expected for me.

Do you get the same results if you change the strip node to alpha over and modify the IPO instead of using the gamma cross effect?

i hate codecs, and have found that frame sequences work the best in all cases, because you absolutely know exactly how many frames the video strip actually has. The only time I have had real issues with strip length is using screen captures where the rate of capture was less than what I wanted to save as.

Post some files and we can see if this is a bug

sometimes (in my case) you don’t have enough RAM or your system Cache limit is set too low (eg: 32 when you have 1 gb to spare)

check your MEM Cache and make sure that’s up to at least 256 *so you can use that ram for the sequencer. (see pic)

Also, have you tried rendering out a proxy yet?
sometimes your gamma crosses / other effects won’t show unless they are pre-rendered :smiley:

it also helps if you turn off OSA (oversampling takes awhile) and set the mode to 25% or preview (refreshes faster) , and, if you’re using stuff from the 3d view, turn off all the loaded stuff (such as RAYtracing, EnvMap, and SSS) until you need it.

hope that helps


I was just going back and looking at some of my old posts and realized that I never responded with how everything worked out.

When I rendered the clip out to a proxy I was finally able to see where the clip ended. Then I just rolled up the excess and continued editing. The proxy is a great feature!