Serial animation

Been working on a short animation, and got to thinking about the old serial-story bit the english lit profs pushed on us in HS/college. Has anyone tried the same idea as an animation, make a .blend with 10-30s of story to it, and pass it on, see what develops? Might be fun…

I guess there would have to be interest in such a thing first off… maybe part of a WC or some such…

Any thoughts?

Cheers, JJ

That’d be rather cool. What might be a good idea for it would be to have a contest for the first thirty seconds, then vote on the winner, than start another contest for the next thirty seconds, distributing the original thirty second blend, vote on it, then start another contest, etc. I’m sure we’d wind up with a very interesting movie, maybe 5 or 6 minutes long. Although it’d be harder to pull off than the weekend challenge because you’re dealing with animation.


Now that sounds like fun, count me in.

I like the contribute and vote idea.

Hmmmm… I’m working on buying a house, but I might be able to host this thing in a month or so, once all the dealing gets done…

Maybe not a WC, but something on a bi-monthly or monthly basis- frequency would depend on the level of complexity to which the blend evolved… Kind of like a WC, but each participant gets to choose their own topic, and the judging criteria is how well it interfaces witht he pre-existing story/blend…