Series of automated "Airlock" doors.

Hello everybody at this fantastic forum!
I am currently creating a game inside of the BGE and in one part i have planned to use a series of “Airlock” doors. My issue being that I need one door to open whilst the player steps inside of the airlock space and only when the first door closes the second opens and so on through the third door and out to the environment. I already have the door animation done and those work, unfortunately they don’t stop opening. I will post the section of the series of doors. Thanks in advance.


doors issue.blend (725 KB)

The doors are doing exactly what you are telling them to. You have the logic:
Near -> Play the animation of doors opening then shutting.

Your near sensor is also strange, as the reset distance should always be greater than the trigger distance.

What you want is:
Near (both distances to 10) -> Animation (Flipper (instead of play) from 0 to 30)

Hear is a nice method :smiley:


BlastDoor.blend (527 KB)


A-D move “test grab deployer”

Space add “player grab”

(to test for a player to use)


BlastDoorWrectifiedFixedTester.blend (575 KB)

Thank you both very much! this has helped tremendously. You will probably see my pathetic cries for help again soon!

We don’t know until we ask, and each time.a question is asked, a better answer may show up.

Try using a python script and booleans.

if dooroneShut == TRUE:

for door two:

if doortwoShut == TRUE:

Interesting… is there a website that would be able to help me learn how to write in python? or write python whichever is more correct.