Serious Video Card Issue

As I said once a long time ago, at random times blender will freeze. After talking to Briggs for a bit he told me it was my video card,
NVidia TNT2 Riva. I recently found a driver update for the card in hoping it will solve my problem of Blender freezing. Now if I render in 800X600 or any resoloution close to that it renders all the way, everything but the mouse becomes frozen, the mouse is still the framecounter, after a few seconds the computer suddenly restarts and once I get back to the desktop, to those of us who use windows I got an error report (They usually suck) that told me my video card failed and another one after I click out of that, that my computer has suffered a serious error. This is a serious issue as well as my computer freezing. I do not have the money for a new video card so that is out of the question. I have toyed with it for hours and have no soloution. I cannot find a way to contact NVidia as well as they have dropped support for this card (How convient for them %| ) So if anyone can give me a soloution to either problem I wouldn’t be able to thank you enough as this has become a major hassle. If you need more details, please, do ask.

dude!!! you might as well run in software

extract into your blender directory:

a geforce 2 ought to be like $15… but you could probably actually find one for $30 [the geforce 4000, and 4mx are also geforce 2 variants]

Jack… sheesh… do you need a new video card or what?

If you can’t afford one, I have one that is at least four times better than that, that I will email you if you want… wait :expressionless: I mean snail mail you…

Whatever… I have an Nvidia FX5900XT sitting around that I never use… so If you really can’t afford one PM me with you address and I’ll mail it to you…

Hey, I haven’t tried that yet z3r0 d. deathguppie, that is very kind and generous of you but I could not accept such a gift, if you honestly have no use for it may I suggest you enter it into the prize pool for blender battles monthly? I do appreciate the offer, but I would feel indebted to you deeply (I easily get the feeling of being indebt to someone especially when they do not mean to get something in return). This card is generally OK, just freezes up the computer every so often, worse on some days then others. I am going to try the link now that you gave z3r0 d.

Ok… whatever.

I actually pulled the thing out of the back room and blew the dust off it, but it’s not that great a card. I mean it runs pretty much everything you need but I am using a 7800GTX and it rocks… I also have 5600, and a couple of ATI cards somewhere.

I also have a dual 1500 Mhz amd system that needs the dust blown out of it… I guess I was just trying to find some of this stuff a new home… :-?

Try TO find older drivers. I have heard that new nvidia drivers have problems with old nvidia cards