Seriously confused by Yafray, can't load models :S

I have downloaded Yafray, and a GUI (Bagisas). But how on earth do I actually import a model from Blender into the GUI?

i don’t know about bagisas, because i’ve used yable for anything yafray. But with that, you open your blender scene and then run the script. It lets you assign materials and lights to objects, then it exports the entire scene to an .xml which you can render.
If you wanna use yable, the download is on the yafray site and check the thread on the python forum for more info.

You have to export from blender -> yafray with yable or yableX. Do a search either here on the forum or over at on how to use these scripts (There is a page by H@dj explaining what to, but I don’t have the link currently available).
These scripts will generate a XML file. You can open this file with Bagisas (File->Open or F1).

Hope that helps.

banana_sock Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 12:22 pm Post subject:

i don’t know about bagisas, because i’ve used yable for anything yafray. But with that, you open your blender scene and then run the script. It lets you assign materials and lights to objects, then it exports the entire scene to an .xml which you can render.
If you wanna use yable, the download is on the yafray site and check the thread on the python forum for more info.

You mean you can use Bagisas to export .blends > .xmls? Me is confoosed…


OK. do the following:

  1. Download either yable or tablex, (I personally prefer yablex, as it has all the new features added that yafray currently supports).
  2. Load Yablex into a text window in your scene in blender.
  3. Save the blend file before you run the script.
  4. Press ALT+P in the text window to run the script, (assuming you have Python 2.2.2 installed, and if you don’t go to the Python forum here and see the thread about installing and setting up Python).
  5. Use the GUI in YableX to set up shaders, etc.
  6. Export using the script and then use Bagasis to render.

Any other problems, post them here and we will be more than happy to help.


hey not sure if it’s just something on my system but…(XP/athlon/geforce2/python 2.2)
Bagasis latest version works fine with yable,
but using yablex I’m getting errors, preview fine but full render: error line 7
“Gui for yafray” is using the same yablex .xml and runs fine

Is their a way to render to yafray directly in Blender through the script?