Server disk is fulling up :-/

I just want to rant a bit because this is a task I’m not looking forward to :slight_smile: Our main data disk of 1TB will be full in two weeks and I need to make a decision: add a larger disk, or switch to a new server that comes with a faster processor and mode storage? :thinking:

Current config:

  • Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1650 v2 @ 3.50GHz
  • 64GB Ram
  • 240GB SSD + 1TB SSD

I’m hosting at Hetzner and got this server at their server auction years ago when I took over BA. Current monthly spend is EUR 73.

I wonder if we can get a better deal nowadays? I’d like to stay with Hezner.


I’ve been very happy with BuyVM through Frantech, been using them for years. You can get a 2 TB storage slab for 10 USD a month:

And a very strong server for 15 a month:

Going that route could cut your costs in half

Those are shared servers - our server is dedicated. I originally tried running BA on Digital Ocean but it wasn’t powerful enough… We really need dedicated hardware :slight_smile:

Edit: also, 7 cores with 28GB is already $105/mo at that site. We have a better deal with 12 cores/64GB at EUR 72.


Ah, gotcha. That makes sense.

Would one of Hetzner’s storage boxes work? You can get 5 TB for 5 a month

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Oh, I can just ask them to upgrade the HD. Put in a new one, sync the data, remove the old one. But this machine is now 5 years old, I was just curious if it wasn’t time for more modern hardware.