Set active Node Tree

I need advice on how to choose an active node tree for, for example, sverchok or animationnodes layouts


I found simular command for Geometry nodes, but i can’t implement for my task

bpy.context.object.modifiers['geometry'].node_group =['Mygroup']

we had conversation some time ago

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You need to find the bpy property path, and see what the value is.

Preferences > Interface > Display > Python Tooltips
When you hover over GUI elements you would get to see the the property path, then try to access it from the console window by typing and such, to test the waters.

Another technique is to right-click on the GUI element and view the Python source. This will also allow you to see the properties used, however it would require to look deeply (which might be complex task – but not so much of a problem) into the source implementations.