Is there any way to automaticaly set creases by edge angle? (the same way “edge split modifier” splits edges by given angle).
bump! And i would just like to add: if it’s not possible in blender, does anyone know if it’s possible in some other software?
You would need to write a python script to do this in blender.
You didn’t specify which Blender you are asking about.
There is no such function 'cause crease value is not used by any modifier ( or I don’t know any ) and it influences mesh geometry more directly. The only thing you can do is to select edges by angle and then set crease value for them.
In 2.49: in edge select mode deselect all, hit Shift-Ctrl-Alt-S and set angle value in pop-up then in Properties Panel ( N-key ) set crease value or Shift-E and drag mouse to see changes interactively.
In 2.5x: in edge select mode deselect all, SPACE to go to search tool for “Select Sharp Edges” ( I don’t know any shortcut for this) and set angle in ToolShelf, now Ctrl-E>Edge Crease or N-key for PropPanel>Transform tab>Mean Crease input slider.
Thank you so much jawra! it works
I didn’t specify blender version cause i was fine with being able to do it in either one, as long as it’s possible Thank you for explaining both, I’m usually using 2.53 in my work. You’ve been a great help