Set music free!


This project]( will use your donations to record and release music to the public domain.

Isn’t that just wonderful? :yes:

From the web site, $50 will get you:

All the previous + the entire Musopen library on DVD (lossless quality) + a Musopen Pro account for 1 year (normally $45 a year, unlimited downloads, music before its released publicly and more)

The $50 option reveals an interesting business model!

I use some of Beethoven’s better known work for my software but I’m recording it myself :slight_smile:
It’s kind of sad how much money the music of the great masters generates today as most of them lived a miserable life and passed away the same way.
Take one the the greatest American composers, Scott Jopplin for example. His sheet music and book compilations are found in every music store that sells printed music but the man hardly survived.
I sometimes wonder if 3D modeling was an option in 1785 if Mozart would have been Pixar?

He would probably be doing something music related with a computer. Probably techno as that stuff is years ahead of anything else as far as use of technology goes.

How’s this different than

Well, other than the asking for money part?

And, yes, I haven’t clicked the link.