Set normal angle = x degrees

i wonder why this simple (in my opinion) feature is missing in Blender? why not just implement such a feature instead of dancing with tambourines to set the desired angle?
btw, such a frustration when using the select similar… function in blender as well.
QoL they said…
still can’t edit those normals in Blender as i want.

There are two angles for a normal which can be modifed “tilt” and rotate. So it’s not as easy as you wrote…
Anyway: you really want to set this for every vertex manually ?? Usually some normal manipulation is made because of some neded “trickery” according to visual smoothness and are based on edges, edge angles or some uncut (and so perfect) reference topology…

You may have to elaborate this to get a more suited answer.

Maybe look into the Abnormal addon, specifically created for adjusting separate normals.
bnpr/Abnormal: Blender Abnormal add-on for vertex normal editing


thanks for reply. i just want to set selected vertices pependicular to their faces. i’m unable to do it with Blender’s set of normals editing functions. but in the same time can do it EASY in Maya, for example with two ways: set from face, or editing an angle manually.

frankly i don’t understand why such simple functions are not implemented in Blender, and existing solutions to such a problem offer to solve them through the a$$ (a bunch of manuals and redundant manipulations). it’s annoying

I do not know your workflow and how you get to thpse non-perpendicular normals… because when i cut something from a plane i got this:

i’m sorry, but this is not the matter of workflow.
the question is simple, as it stated in 1st comment: let people manually set normals angle without dances with tambourines.
that’s it :slight_smile:
p.s. an image for better understanding (bevel). the vertices of the edges that form the edge of the face must be 90 degrees; currently they aren’t 90 deg and causing bad shading (yes, i know about the quad/clean topology, but all i need is to manually set normals angle in this particular conditions).

This may depend on a choosen theme but usually the pink normals are the vertex split normals and the vertex normals are in blue… and so one can use:

The non-destructive EdgeSplit modifer:

or use a destructive Mesh → Split → Selection :

…maybe in the history of Maya something like modifiers wasn’t there in th ebegining and so the need of manipulating the normals without splitting the mesh was more needed and in Blender modifers made this already possible in a non-destructive way ? IDK…

Sometimes people just do not see the need for something because of different times and workflows. So when you are used to it you want this desperately while for the devs and users of blender there maybe was simply no need ?

At least i can understand your point of view now better.

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seems to be edge split has an influence to all angles of the model and shade smooth doesn’t smooth inner corners. so it’s easier to me to separate a part of the mesh to get 90 deg normals.

but this not solve the main problem: ability to set normals angle manually (as I want) :slight_smile:
may be you don’t want to understand the main goal of this topic: i’m not searching the solution of the problem, but an answer to the question why some things in Blender such complicated when it could/should be easier to improve “Quality of Life”. maybe i’m asking in the wrong place, but I hope the developers will see my cry.

any way, thank you for joining my issue and trying to help! :+1:

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