Set up your monitor here. Gamma correction charts inside.

Hi all, I have noticed that there are a lot of folks here at elYsiun who mention some artworks are too dark or too bright.

I had an idea that if everyone calibrates to the same set of images in the same manner, then this should no longer be an issue.

This is the website with colour gamma calibration chart at the top of the page and black and white gamma calibration chart lower down. You will also find complete instructions of how and what to adjust near the very bottom of the page. Click the link below.

AIM: Monitor Calibration.

Hope this is helpful,

Sonix. Now calibrated

I’ve done gamma calibration several times because I’ve done a lot of graphics for clients’ websites and they don’t always look right on other screens. However, for daily use, I always end up just adjusting it by eye. From monitor to monitor after calibration, white didn’t always look white, black didn’t always look black. Maybe I didn’t do it right? I’m pretty sure photoshop comes with a gamma calibration tool, as does PSP. In fact, I’m fairly certain the ATI control panel for all ATI cards has a gamma calibration tool as well, but like I said above, I’ve had limited satisfaction with the results visually speaking. Does anyone else feel that way?

That’s why he suggests we all use the same calibration.


Unfortunately the environment most of us work in doesn’t allow for a consistent gamma settings

why? Windows, and the sun.

That said, I have properly set my monitor now, but it is only usuable (this way) when the sun isn’t out or until I cover my windows.

(oh, and for linux users using kde, instal KGamma which will put a new entry in the kde control center under appearance and themes that can save to your x config file)

thx for the tip :smiley: