set weight for subdiv / skinnig nurbs / displacement


is tehre a function to set the weight of cv of a subdiv surface like you can do with nurbs in blender or is that not build in yet?

i followe that mouse niurbs tutorial but when i create some nurbs circles join them and hit crtl f they can only make a segment when the circles are open. instead of getting a nurbs tube (extrusion by loft) i get a nursb spiral. (2.26 ons os x)

also i forgot abouthow i could move/displace the vertices of a mesh by using a bump map to create a terrain. i searched for it but found nothing.


Nurbs and Catmull-Clarke sub-surf are different mathemetical objects.
the latter has no weights that I know of, it’s not a Blender lack of features :slight_smile:

You must create those circles as ADD->SURFACE->CIRCLE, not ADD->CURVE->NURBS CIRCLE

‘Noise’ button in F9 window


I think that mathematicly it is possible to change the weights of both vertices and edges of a sub-surf cage, but the problem is a Pixar patent that prevents other software then their PRMan renderer to implement this option. Although now that I think of it, I’m nearly sure that the patent should consider only other renderers. If Blender subdivides the cage into polygons before the rendering stage it shouldn’t be affected by the patent. Then again I may be totally wrong… :slight_smile:



it is possible, but I don’t know of it

It seems this request for weighting on subdivision surfaces as (I hear) exists in 3d max (I think) and cinema 4d (for sure, called hypernurbs)

the problem with trying to implement weighting on subdivion surfaces in blender is that weighting would have to be implemented on edges, verticies, and faces; each having a slightly different effect. Also it would be necescary to present in some way to the user the current weights on each (possibly a toggle?). Blender’s current system makes this difficult, though not impossible.

I would not be the one to volunteer to do it.
(it would change the equasions substansially, and may slow things down noticeably…)

Found the patent:

And here’s the crucial part:

  1. The method of claim 2 comprising the further step of determining the smooth surface limit normals at the limit locations of the points in the final mesh in order to shade the rendered image.

I’m not a lawyer, but hopefully this means that the patent is only applicable in a rendering context.


hi guys

the weights for edges points and faces are a common feature in c4d lightwave maya electric image and other apps.

it gives you the same smooth surface like nurbs with weigths with th ease of use with polygones.

somewhere i read that you could use a grayscale image to deform a mesh square into the terrain the gray scale image represents. how does that work in blender? all mybtries just failed


I’m wondering… It’s a US patent…

Does Blender still count as a Dutch program?