I am using 2.59 and I am having trouble getting the local coordinate system set up for a mesh that I am building.
This is the aileron for a wing, and I need to be able to limit the rotation of the aileron to just the one axis. On the one wing, everything went smoothly. I added a constraint to the local coordinates, checked x, z, local and I am able to rotate the aileron around its own local y axis.
On the other side, no matter what I try I cannot get the local coordinate system to align with the mesh the way that I want.
Here’s a basic question that may help me shed some light on the trouble:
I have the mesh rotation zeroed out (either object->clear->rotation or object->apply->rotation) and I am switching back and forth between Global and Local in transform orientation. Why is the transform widget moving? It looks like when set to local, the widget is not pointing along the grid. If rotation is set to all zeros shouldn’t local and global be aligned?
If not, how do I change the orientation of the local coordinate system?
How do I get the local coordinate system aligned with the global one?
In object mode Alt+R will clear rotations and should realign the local to the global.
My best guess would be that one wing was created and the other was duplicated
and possibly adjusted in edit mode, or that both are 1 object possibly?
This can cause rotation changes and it may be easier to duplicate and mirror the
already positioned wing globally in object mode and using the 3d cursor as the
center for mirroring purposes.
I’ve tried now with duplicating and rotating, and with mirror modifier and both ways after I get the new piece if I apply or clear rotations, the local axis remains skewed for some reason.
Does this seem like a bug? I wonder if I should report it as a bug.
I started clearing out all of the other pieces to make a .blend with just the weird piece and as soon as I deleted the parent object the axis went back to normal.
Ah, yes, parenting. If you could please edit the prefix to [Solved]
Choose to edit the first post then choose advance and select from the prefix drop down.