Setting Parameters and Executing Sensor using Python?

I am an artist delving into the programming language known as python. Typically, I pick up on software and computers pretty quick, but I’ve hit a little snag and I’m looking for a push in the right direction to help get the ball rolling. Preferable sample code explaining what is happening in each line or more it’s purpose in the script would be good. Helps the learning to know why. Give a man fish and he can eat for a day, teach a man to fish yada, yada. So here is my circumstance. I want to define a sensor’s parameter settings and activate said sensor based on the current parameter settings using python. For the current situation the “Property” sensor would be used to be exact, more precisely the interval min/max settings. Python doesn’t seem to recognize “value_min” or “value_max” yet holding the mouse over the logic brick equivalents defines them as such. I’ve googled it and searched the Python API and found the definitions and tried numerous setups but nothing seems to be working. The script I am using to run the animations works and has a similar logic(purpose) to the motion script I’m looking for but translating the keyboard sensors over to property sensors hasn’t been working so well. The animation script also uses an actuator as a trigger, which is a key difference. I’ve also tried accessing the objects properties using the “own.” or “obj.” route with no success. The python console also shows no errors. So I’ve determined it’s not syntax or definitions, maybe order?? I don’t know. I do have a back up plan and that is to use strictly logic bricks, but for my purposes it is not very practical as the amount of logic bricks needed would be many and cumbersome to work with. On another note, this dealing with syntax, how would you call a list into a function. Coordinates to be specific. Using “[]'s” inside of “()'s” is giving me syntax errors and I’d like to use coordinates as parameters inside a function. Here is my functioning script for animations(looking for a motion equivalent):

import bge

con = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
own = con.owner
act = con.actuators[“Action”]
frame = act.frame

def phase(a,m,s,e):
act.action = a
act.mode = m
act.frameStart = s
act.frameEnd = e

RightKey = con.sensors[“RightKey”]
Right = RightKey.getKeyStatus(145)

LeftKey = con.sensors[“LeftKey”]
Left = LeftKey.getKeyStatus(143)

UpKey = con.sensors[“UpKey”]
Up = UpKey.getKeyStatus(146)

DownKey = con.sensors[“DownKey”]
Down = DownKey.getKeyStatus(144)

if Right == 1:
if Right == 2 and frame == 12.0:
elif frame == 12.0:
if Right == 2 and frame == 24.0:
elif frame == 24.0:
if Right == 2 and frame == 36.0:
elif frame == 36.0:
if Right == 2 and frame == 48.0:
elif frame == 48.0: