Setting Units in Blender

Hi Everyone,

I’m new to blender, but from what I can tell, there is no way to set up the units to Feet/Inches. Am I incorrect? Seems like everything is modeled according to a perceived scale, not an actual one. Am I wrong?

I am an architect looking to utilize blender for modeling spaces and funriture but am finding it VERY hard to model spaces. How do you all do it? I’ve seen some renderings of architecture posted that look great but I’m unclear if it’s all modeled in another program then imported into blender. Any feedback would be appreciated.

Also, if anyone would be willing to send me a blender file with an actual space drawn, that would be unbelievably helpful so I can see how the model is set up…my email is [email protected] It would only be used for my reference so I can learn how to use the software better…

Thanks in advance!


Blender unfortunately doesn’t have a way of doing this, but you can work around it by deciding that, for example, 1 Blender Unit (BU) is a metre. Then, when you want to move something along by 1.5 metres, you simply press G to move it and enter 1.5.
The reason it works like this is so you can model to any scale you like.

Thanks for the response.

This seems so difficult. In that case, I’m very impressed with all you Blender pro’s out there.
Do most people model in a different software and import into blender then?


Some people model in Wings3d, but I just use blender, myself.

dear ibahoora,
i 2 am an architect and had similar questions @ units…but u understand measurements are relative and a grid is much more than what an architect would need to model…proportionately atleast…is’nt it. to import objects/models they need to be scaled down…whether feet or meter…i don’t care anymore…i luv blender now and now can model with my eyes.not to discourage u but 2 encourage u to discard the ‘dimensional’ preconception.