Setting Up My Blender Workspace

Greeting; I am still new to Blender so please tolerate me :slight_smile:

My question is how can I setup my workspace similar to the opening page head image?

aka work screen left, and all the buttons / controls right. The over and under is a bit strange to me… I use Poser also so I am sorta use to the way it looks in that picture’s setup :slight_smile:

Can this even be done, and if so can it be locked to always re-open that way…or will it always go back to the default setup?


Read here. After you’ve arranged the interface, press CTRL-U to save it as the default.

Thanks Friday, that seems to manipulate them ok…but it just clones the original, and i didnt see any option to delete one of them…and if you rejoin it, it just snaps back to one box at the bottom.

I even tried dragging the divider line…but it drags the whole thing up, down, left, or right…

However I was hoping to be able to move the whole grey box and it’s content to the right, and place it top to bottom vertical…and leave the space left top to bottom for a more squared view screen…(just seems logical for a right handed person) guess it wont do that yet.

Maybe someone will make a script for that…a sort of drag and drop thing.

Until that I can deal with it as is… this is still a cool program :slight_smile:

yes it clones the original window, but in the toolbar you change what each window is. i

so you join the two windows to have one window, then split that one into two vertical ones. then change the right window to a toolwindow instead of a 3d window (the window changer is the first dropdown box in the menu of each window pane)

edit: also, check out the default screen 3 (the screen changer is at the top of the blender window, it defaults to [SCR: 2 - Model] usually.

Hey that worked, talion!

<<< is happy camper now :smiley:

Great forum here, and very helpful people :slight_smile:

Thanks to both of you for your help… I need all I can get…LOL

And you will get it! :slight_smile:

Remember that we’ll bill you at the end of the month :wink: