Setting up the camera as "portrait"

Is there a possiblity to modify the camera’s lense’s heigh and width manually so that I could rotate the rendering area 90 degrees without rotating the camera itself? It’s just a bitch to twist your on head when trying to find out if you’ve positioned the camera correctly. :rolleyes:

Here’s a pic of what I’m after:

Please help me out, I’ve got to get my scene to rendering within the next 10 hours. :smiley:

Edit: Ah, I found a solution already, since I didn’t know that the rendering resolution affected the camera’s rendering area accordingly.

change your scene properties and change the SizeX and SizeY settings, if you want just switch the values

F10 button to go to “Scene” context.
Look in pane labeled “Format”
Change the values in SizeX and SizeY so the values are swapped.

you could just rotate the camera 90 degrees. Of course, the whole scene would be on its side like when I fall down, but hey, it works.:o