Shaders not showing up in Cycles (Blender 2.8)

Okay, I am sure it has to be something dumb. But my materials are not showing up in cycles. Not even when its rendered out. Ive tried cycles / eevee. CPU, GPU, nothing. This is not my material its actually from an artist named Simon Thommes who gave it away.

Left image is my live viewport in cycles in rendered mode.
Right image is the shader that is applied to the left object.

Have you UV mapped/unwrapped your object?
Looking at the preview sphere I would guess that the material needs a UV map.

Make sure you’ve selected the correct filter options in the outliner, otherwise your object won’t render.

Check if your UV was correctly mapped.

If none of those solves your problem, I could only tell by taking a close look in these nodes and material options. Upload your file if you could…