Shading in UE5 from blender

so i have a friend who is trying to add some models that were made by me into UE5 ,
the models should have a flat shading , but once thy are in UE5 thy turn smooth !
how can we fix that !
i can share screen shots for the privacy’s of the project !

You will need to look at both the export settings from Blender and the import settings in Unreal. I don’t know which format you are using for the transfer, but the FBX exporter has options for which normal data to include.

Also, there are normal options when importing in Unreal, so you have to take a look at those so Unreal doesn’t recalculate your normals when importing.

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ok thank you so much !
i think i get it ! i will check it out !

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Being the option pointed by @etn249 the most flexible (you can decide wich edges are smooth and which not), you can also force “bulk” flat shading in Unreal with materials.
This video shows the technique in UE4, but the example is valid in UE5.


ok i will check it !
i check with my friend and he said that the model was imported perfectly to mixamo the rigging software , but the moment it goes to UE5 it get flat

ok thank you all
for your replays , the problem was indead in the ue5 settings !

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