I have this problem that whenever i try to model a car i get strange shading isues. It happends when i use the “smooth shading” button. Not sure if it is how it should be, but i am not very satisfied wuth the result.
I am using a glossy material and changing the value has yielded some result in reducing the poor shading. I suspect however that there might be other reasons for it to appear that way. Maybe its modelling itself, maybe some verticies, edges or faces are in conflict with eachother. I have tried to recalulate normals with little sucess.
I have added some screenshots. I hope i have added all the required information, if not please ask.
Please always supply an example .blend file with any support question. Without it we’re limited to pure guesswork…
My guess: Inconsistent normals. A face normal determines which side of face is the “front”. I assume some of those normals point inward and some outward - and as a result, the mesh quite literally turns inside out where faces with those opposite directions meet.
Tab into Edit mode, hit A to select all, W > Remove Doubles and then Ctrl-N to recalculate the normals.
Are you referring to a copy of the file i am working on so that you can open it in blender and look at it yourself?
Anyway, i did most of the things you and Richard Marklev mentioned except removing the faces. It is not the same as deleting is it; i looked in the mesh-faces menu but i cant find the remove faces function.
This is how it looks now, its rendered with zero roughnes.
Remove Doubles takes care of duplicate geometry, which may have been added accidentally. For example: You hit E to extrude and then Escape. The Escape key cancels the movement of the extruded geometry, not the extrusion itself. So, unless you hit undo, you now have created duplicate geometry, lying unnoticed on top of the original geometry and quite possibly causing issues down the road.
And indeed, I was talking about a simplified version of your .blend file for us to examine. You can upload the file e. g. to pasteall and post the download link here.
if you have a lowpoly car like this with no subdiv surface and you click on smooth options you will have shading issues like this one you have.
the smooth option only works if you combine it with the edge_split modifier this will solve your shading problem i think.
if not, it was a try
It works to recalculate normals if you check the ‘Inside’ checkbox in the tool options (correct name? the right hand side menu).
By recalculating normals without ‘Inside’ set Blender believes the correct direction are inwards for all normals.
Display normals and you will see what I mean
One of the solutions presented to me was to remove the faces inside the mesh. I have tried to select all the faces and deleted them, but that removes the whole modell. I asume “remove” is another function. I havent fogured out how to do it but maybe someone would be kind enough to tell me?
Your normals are flipped. Notice the weird dark shading in object mode. Tab into edit mode, select all verts (hit a until all verts are ornage) and hit w ‘flip normals’ Ok that’s fixed.
You have no lights in your scene, and your background is just a dark grey. Add a sun lamp into your scene. Go the world settings, click ‘use nodes’ click to the right of color, and choose ‘sky texture’ Ok now you have a light and sky.
Go the modifiers tab (the wrench) and add a subsurf modifer. change viewport and render both to 2
Your model is not fused in the center so the mirror modifier will have a gap there. you will need to select your center verts and hit G Y (normally you modeling symmetric on x) until they are fused in the center.
You have bad edge flow and topology. You have n-gons (faces with more than 4 sides) that are non planer. Topology is tricky and takes time to learn. You have gaps in your model. Keep pushing on and watch some topology tutorials.
Instead of removing all faces remove ones which make T connections/shapes. On your model mostly underneath in wheel archs, also where windshield connects/ends at sides.
As opened, your faces mostly point other way around; when you’ll get rid of above mentioned errors select all faces and Flip shading.
In solid mode you can see such incorrect shading as faces being darker, blue toned or switch on face Normals display on N-tab.
Here is a briefly reshaped model you had; try to add Subsurf modifier and observe: any modeling errors will pop out significantly. Try to change model by Knife cuts, dissolving edges. Some places would need V ripping apart and adding new faces.
Use LoopTools addon Relax on selected individual loops or parts of them - this will help to smooth out lines.
Wow Photox, thats plenty of good advices. Thank you very much. i have completed 1-4 and the result is astronomic, number three was done earlier so it was already done. Instead of centering my modell the way you described i centered the cursor and used snap-selection to cursor.
I have been trying to fix those gaps with little sucess. I will do what i can but i will probably be better of starting a new project where i can avoid getting them instead. Number 5-6 will take some time so i have excluded them in my reply. Thanks to your advices i have made a quantum leap in undertsanding my modell and modelling overall. Thank you very much.
I have added a screenshot of a render, i rendered on 500 samples. As you can see the result is substantial.
Most of the things you talk about Eppo is abit over my abilities, i will have to learn more:) I did however use a subsurface modifier on your reshaped modifier, but it was so wellshaped i had to turn it of to see any errors. Thank you anyway, i will print it out on a opiece of paper so that i remember to do all this.
“i will probably be better of starting a new project” - if you ask me i’d say no. Refine and experiment for a while on what you have now.
Do not be afraid of deleting parts and recreating in a different ways. Look for a new tools you could make a use of.
Starting a new project from ground up will not help on getting designs without errors.