Shading volume from particles

I’m testing out using particles to “paint” inside a volume using particles. What I currently have is a cube emitting static particles inside another cube that has a volume shader on it.

Here is the current shader node setup:

I’ve been fiddling with the math node and where it connects, but I can’t seem to get anything working. I’ve also played with the Point Density radius and resolution and various vector inputs.
Nothing I do seems to do anything other than make the outer cube empty or completely filled.

I’ve included the .blend as well in case I’m missing something else.

Hopefully, someone can pick up what I’m missing here.
I’m using Blender 4.0.2
Point Density Test Compressed.blend (153.7 KB)

Point density is not supported in Eevee. It will work if you switch to Cycles, though you will have to reduce the node’s resolution before switching, or it will probably crash immediately. You will also need to increase the radius to see anything.

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Of course that’s it; didn’t think to check the supported nodes list. Cheers.

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