Shadow buffer driving me crazy

Hey guys

I’ve been trying to get shadows right from a spot light using the various tutorials out there. But what is infuriating me is that the shadow is not completely black! I have only 1 light in the scene (a spot light), shining on a cube, which shines onto a plane. Neither the cube nor the plane has a material.

Here is a pic of the scene in Blender. And here is the rendered result. Why don’t the shadows appear black? There shouldn’t be any ambient light coming from anywhere. Any ideas?


make your spot lamps clip start as high as you can stand [things closer than the clip start don’t cast shadows], and clip end as close as you can stand [no light past clip end… or something]

you could also try turning down the bias paramater… but if you turn it too low things will cast shadows on themselves [resulting in weird artifacts]

Thank you, that’s perfect!

you may also want to add some materials. the default shader has some level of ambiance, around .5, i think. just add a new material, and turn the ambiance down.

jim ww