Shadows, Radiosity & Curves.


I’ve bleen playing around with radiosity, and I have a question or two.

How can I get rid of those triangular shadows?

I was using a curve and then converted to a mesh.
Can I make blender calculate the shadow map indefinitely? I am using straight up radiosity settings, no tweaks.


How can I get rid of those triangular shadows?

Radiosity is face based, so I would suggest using one or two shots of Beauty subdivision before running the radiosity solution.

  • In the Edit buttons, select Beauty
  • Select each face of the curve (the flat side) in turns, and hit Subdivide (Wkey, 1) once or twice.

Can I make blender calculate the shadow map indefinitely? I am using straight up radiosity settings, no tweaks.

I think that if you lower the Convergence setting, the ray will bounce more times, hence making the simulation longer.


What a freaky looking Blender! How come it looks like that?


for those shadow artifacts in Radiosity,
it is also possible to play with the buttons:

FaceFilter and Element Filter

I have done it with great result !

Thanks for the help guys. Here’s one more:

Doesn’t that shadow look strange? Normal shadows don’t look like that.
Looks like it’s inverted.
What’s up with that?

Straight settings once again.

It’s the enlightenment desktop, Jolly!

Reduce the distance between ClipSta and ClipEnd.

Explanation: no idea. :-?

That did it Tordat, thanks!

I seem to be having this same kind of problem myself in radiosity shadows so i’m bringing this message back to top.