Pretty much the only thing I’ve changed in terms of proportions since that post is that her head is a little bigger now, so it’s probably the clothes doing it.
@Safetyman: Thanks!
Pretty much the only thing I’ve changed in terms of proportions since that post is that her head is a little bigger now, so it’s probably the clothes doing it.
@Safetyman: Thanks!
I checked it over I found a few issues
Thanks! Side probably has more errors, I haven’t been paying as much attention.
The arms are definitely at a bit of an odd angle. I’ll probably move them back up to more of a T-pose than the current A-pose after adjusting things.
I checked it over it has good amount of errors
it’s worth mentioning also, that anime characters aren’t usually anatomically correct. you should read up on their anatomy as well. it’ll be worth your time
proportions should be a bit better now.
next I’m going to work on clothes, hair, face and some different shaders. more feedback is welcome, I really appreciate any help (even if I don’t make every change suggested, I do try them and remember for next time)
bonus f12:
feb 6th update, because I don’t think this needs another post:
Working on a character based on Minadori Naya’s Tsubasa.
All colors vertex painted, shadeless material, outlines done via solidify + flipped normals and material offset. I’ve got freestyle edges, but since I want to use the model in realtime I made sure everything works in the viewport.
I’ll continue the previous character I was working on at a later time. I haven’t made enough decisions about the character to make further progress other than fixing various problems.
Can you go into more detail on how you doing the outlines because I tried solidify + flipped normals and material offset. An I’m running into a problems where the outline material shows but not the underneath mesh.
Also Thank you for sharing how you did the outlines.
You need to enable backface culling in the 3d view properties under shading, also make sure you are using GLSL or it might not display correctly.
The hood/cape/whatever you call it doesn’t really fit this outfit, but I think it’s cute, so it stays.
I like the Picture with hood up the most.
I found something that might be useful for your outlines.
Thanks! That will come in handy.
weight painted everything and made a skeleton.
this model deforms much better than the last one I rigged. I need to make some changes still so that I twist the arms without causing terrible pinching, the plan there is just to cut the forearm bones in half and use the front section for twist. I also added some lattice deforms (not shown) and relevant vertex groups so that I could better handle clothes which change body shape enough that I need to care. I still don’t have a name for her…
some tweaks to tsubasa, too (and I swear, not everything I make has animal ears/tails… it’s just accessories!).
i realy like your style, it’s just amazing how your Charakters Look, thumbs up :yes:
Which Game engine are you going to use?
This might be some useful information if your going to use unity3d
Thanks a lot!
It’s a custom engine. The model format (IQM) hasn’t got shape key support and I haven’t really thought about how it should be implemented. I have considered switching to Unreal Engine at some point, but right now the custom one is what I know how to operate effectively.
Rigged her face (mostly), modeled a simple dress and put more detail into some stuff. Finally going to update my thread icon, I think.
Next up I’ll rig the hair in some way, not sure if I want to try something with physics and pinning bones to vertices or just do it manually. I’m not very good with physics stuff, but I think it’s worth a shot. If anyone has anything to offer for physics rigs I’d love to hear it, I’ve got in my head some setup with a low res proxy, mesh deform and parenting bones to vertices… but last time I tried that it was really finicky and I couldn’t quite get it working.
After that, improving tail, more clothes modeling and more poses. I’m thinking I should also make a lower resolution proxy mesh to work with for animation, later.
Finally, I’m putting some thought into a scene… the flat grey is about as uninteresting as it gets, it’s only stuck around so long because it gives good contrast.
animation test, some issues to sort out with the rig and some errors on my part, but I think it turned out pretty nice.
BI GLSL setup so that rendering wouldn’t take all day.
I was using another outfit, but it has too many deformation problems to deal with at the moment.
edit: re-rendered with a couple fixes
edit 2: why not, one in cycles with said deformation problems clearly visible:
initial mockup in blender
actually building it (in Rhino) - a few important issues to work out (cockpit is far too steeply angled, this was an accident) and much more detail left to add.
once the design is more or less finished in Rhino I’ll be heading back to blender for retopo, texturing etc.
I haven’t used rhino in a few years, but it seemed very much to be the tool for the job here!
ship is inspired by this one that someone built in space engineers:
shading test:
I’d embed it, but I don’t think one can embed webm here.
some dark magic to make that shading look reasonably okay. mostly data transfer/normal editing and a shadow caster mesh for the head