…just updated my website, some new art, completely new look…
link in sig
Looks pretty good!
Hmm, damn now I have the urge to close Blender and fire up Burnout Revenge on my 360 lol …moving the console to my workstation may not have been the best move.
…awe… revenge was the one I was barely involved in! (some say that’s when the art got good, so I’ll tread lightly but I was proud of Steve, who until that point had been my “understudy”…
wow. how old are you?!
geez, you’re good. so…
do anything for the burnout psp games? cause, i’m wondering which one to get…
any reccomendations? revenge or dominator?
…age 38, so not getting any younger!
I didn’t see dominator on PSP, just revenge… which was nice 'cause you got the “classic” burnout tracks from earlier games.
38 ? It’s all downhills now.
quick website crit:
I can’t see your nav bar.
(in IE6 / win XP - and before you say anything, I’m at work so can’t change browser or OS)
What do you mean downhill? We ‘oldies’ get to do all the fun stuff you kids can’t even barely dream of
…so basically, anyone with this browser and OS setup can’t see your work.
… i thought the automatic updates would have erased all the copies of ie6 by now… I only tested under ie7 and firefox as that’s all I have… ie6 needs some pretty heavy workarounds in the style sheet which make me shudder as I’m no web developer… Anyone got any ideas?
most companies i’ve worked for never minded me installing firefox (or getting an administrator to do it) as it’s zero cost/risk… that’s at video games companies though, so I can see how all employers wouldn’t go for it!
Yeah, it’s annoying, but I’ve been expressly told NOT to install firefox.
I agree that MS’s almost complete disregard for standards is highly irritating. I just thought I’d let you know that some people wont be able to see your work. (Not me, I’ll just check it out when I get home to my linux box ;))
From your resume, 1993 to 94 you went from a BAHons in Architecture to Illustraton and Animation for a Multi Media Corp, how did you manage that?
Looking at the rest of your resume, a life in architecture sure looks boring in comparison.
Browsing through your site there is quite a strong architectural element to a good portion of your online work, mostly scifi style architecture. That explains it then
…It was a different world back then! (most people hadn’t even heard of the internet!)
There was an agency in Leicester Square, I went in with some mac skills (mostly photoshop and strata studio and asked if they had any openings… within an hour i had an interview at dorling kindersley ( about 500 yards away)
I was working the next day on scanning and colouring cells… it was supposed to be a two week job, but at the end of each two week period they’d say “what else can you do”… I’d make sure I knew what they needed and tought myself in the evenings, so they kept on employing me, and for more and more cash too!
Not sure you could do that now though, everything is much more “involved”…
I’d say that the “sci fi” stuff is more based on contemporary deconstructivists like co-op himmelblau and frank ghery, though I really like shin-takematsu…
most of that was for just the one project… I also like the secessionists and baroque architecture… no wait, i love it all… ah well
Site looks okay, MichaelW… not too sure about the colorscheme & design. Also not a big fan of beveled borders on images, buttons, 'n such. Kinda '90s, eh? I think you’ve got an eye for better. Take a jog 'round CSSZenGarden to see what’s possible & for inspiration. Did you end up coding it yourself or didja find a CMS?
Also, your footer shows right-justified for me. Kinda wraps wierd at certain widths. Was this intended?
that’s a cool site!
I ended up coding it myself and soon wished I’d just paid someone to do it!
The footer was intentionally right justified, the “wrapping kinda weird” was not my intention…
I’ve noticed it looks much worse and some of the colours more “funky” under internet explorer 7… weird
I don’t know if you saw the old version of the site, but that was a total mess! Web design makes me mad… need to know more!
Yep, this is why I usually default to just using an already-coded CMS, and then tweak what design elements that I need to. They’re handy 'cuz they’ve already set things up properly (separate design & content) and have things database-driven. (Its this last part that many web hosts still choke on even today - or at best charge bigbux for.) However they do make it easy for a chap to plop in the content and keep it somewhat “fresh”. I have hand-coded before, and its nice to be able to do when you have the time or are being paid to, because you have full control to make things logical to the way you think. There’s just so much re-invention going on…