Shape key (and armature) animations in GE?

The recent announcements featuring the game engine have led me to play around with it a bit.

Does anybody know if game-engine triggers can activate shape key animations? Right now i can only get object animations to work.

I’ve created a small test-scene where one can steer a ball over a ‘bumper’ (or at least it ‘should’ be one) and it would rotate (object anim.) and pop up (shape key) at the same time. Only the rotation works right now.

Any ideas?


but check out p00f’s post about Crystal Space, I’m not sure, but perhaps it can do shape key animations

You’ll have to substitute armatures for shape keys, and it should work pretty well.

Thanks for the answers … armatures it is then :slight_smile: … and if that doesn’t work out it’s back to plain old separate objects (since my ideas aren’t that complicated anyway)

I just wanted to get sure i didn’t do anything wrong here :wink:


Ok, now i actually had some time again, so i created a simple pose-action with an armature for the mesh. I then used this action in the GE, but it doesn’t work as well (blend file is here if s/b wants to have a look). Same is true for a hook. It’s pretty strange :-/


Sorry to bump this, but does anyone have an idea what’s wrong with the armature-animation in my last file? I’m sure I did something wrong (since other people seem to work with armatures in the GE alright) but I can’t figure out what it is.


Parent your mesh to the armature. Otherwise the armature does not know the mesh.

For that what you want armatures will not work as you might expect (at least not in 2.42). The deformed mesh of an armature is not recognized by the physics engine. It is pure show calculated while rendering the screen. Physics will only be calculated on the original undeformed object. In your case a rotating flat plane.

As you do not use deformed meshes it would be better to use two separate objects. One is rotating and one is moving up and down using IPOs. You can parent the moving object to the rotating object to get the complex motion you want. This will also work with physics.

I hope this helps

Ah, that’s the problem … I thought adding the armature modifier to the mesh would be enough :slight_smile: Thanks.

For that what you want armatures will not work as you might expect (at least not in 2.42). The deformed mesh of an armature is not recognized by the physics engine. It is pure show calculated while rendering the screen. Physics will only be calculated on the original undeformed object. In your case a rotating flat plane.

As you do not use deformed meshes it would be better to use two separate objects. One is rotating and one is moving up and down using IPOs. You can parent the moving object to the rotating object to get the complex motion you want. This will also work with physics.
I suspected that I would need to do this, but I never really had a chance to check it since I forgot to parent the mesh. Many thanks for the information.

EDIT: Oh and doing this with armatures seems to work with 2.43 :slight_smile:
