Shape key drivers

Hi everyone
I am having an issue with assigning multiple shapes to the same bone drive
For example i have shape up and shape down. when the bone is moved down i want shape key down to be effected and when the bone is moved up i want shape key up to be effected
Thanks for any help

Haven’t tested it cause I use ShapeWidgets but, if you swap one of the IPO Curves around it should work; ie: the IPO’s for both shapekeys now go from Y-0 to Y-1 and if you change one to go from Y-1 to Y-0 it’ll be full open when the other is full closed.


Hi man
What is a shape widget and how do u use it

Open the file and select one of the dots inside of the squares the Grab and move it to opperate the ShapeKey it controls. You can select and move more than one widget at a time.

In the Scripts window under Animation you have a Shape Widget script. Goto Help >> Script Help Browser, select Animation >> Shape Wizard to see how to use it. You can, of course, build them yourself without the script.
