Hi I’m new to the forum and Blender in general but I’ve been using 3d modeling software for over 16 years professionally. I use Zbrush for most of my work. I’ve been looking into modding a few different games for fun and since many of them use Blender and have importer and exporter plugins I decided I should at least know Blender enough to do basic stuff.
My problem is that when I export an OBJ and then import it back in to use as a shape key it always makes the original rotate in some way. The whole model will rotate while it is blending into the edited shape. In other applications I would just freeze transforms or reset xform etc to fix this type of problem but I know from reading around that those types of functions don’t exist in Blender(at least that’s what I gathered from reading on several forums). Even if I literally just export out an obj and then import it right back in without doing anything to it in other software it will still cause this rotation to happen. The only settings I have changed in the export and import options are the ones that allow the vertex order to stay the same so the shape key will work at all. The rest of the settings I keep the default value. I’ve tried editing the front and top orientations X, Y, Z and negatives but no matter which one I use there is still a rotation added to the shape key.
I made a video on youtube showing the problem but since I’m new here I don’t think I can post links. My homepage on my profile here is my youtube channel. You can search “Blender Shape Keys Question” to find it and my name is Kenzie LaMar. I hope to figure this problem out soon. Thanks!