Shapes and Shaders

Shapes and Shaders


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Non-variations in G-minor , by Klaus Lunde a.k.a. Xerxers

well a bit repetitive for me. Even the sound track. However the animation and whatever you did ( Glare nodes I guess ) looks very good. May be adding some variety and movement would make it shine.

I liked the addition of the breakdown, halo lights behind the '+'s would be fun

Thanks for the input, it was very repetitive to make also hehe ;D just shape keys. I love the fact blender has so little “pre fabs” or “presets” the more you make by yourself from scratch the more you become to see effects as small parts.

“Ok, that effects is basically 5 parts, first one is …” etc, I hope to become better at that in the future.


halo lights? like when light shine through mist? I’ve never done halo lights, quick explain and I might try re-render it on (cuz it took forever fullHD on my iMac)