She never came...

This is my real first “scene”, i’ve been modeling it for about 4 months, (yeap that’s me, i barely can finish a started project), i was kind of playing with this scene, for months, until i wanted to finish it. it’s sort of sad for me, because when i came up with the subject i had my girlfriend, and she dumped me like a month ago, so, it almost fits for me…

C&C r welcome! i hope you can actually see the image, i hosted it on lycos, where i host my school website.

Very, very nice. The message isn’t quite clear without the title, however, as the second glass is unnoticed in the shadow. Consider moving it more toward the other chair, as if it were set up. And more saddness could be shown by the cliché candle burnt out. The drapes look more like towels, but I like them.

Love, love, love the textures in this. Especially the wood on the chairs.
4 stars from me.

wow…really has a meaning and i understood 100%…very nice.the curtains do look like toels maybe make them abit long and traslucent…5 stars from me…:slight_smile:

Yeah, it carries the story well, and it’s good all around except the curtains and the wallpaper. 4 stars :slight_smile:

it’s sort of sad for me, because when i came up with the subject i had my girlfriend, and she dumped me like a month ago, so, it almost fits for me… oh man! i really miss her!!!

Your story seems to elicit a strange sort of salty discharge from my eyes. Prime example of art reflecting the artists’ life. No points for originality, but score for making everyone else on this forum feel sympathy for you, and also for making us feel better about our own lives.

New rule though: You should now have gotten over the break-up with your girlfriend in the time it takes to make a 3-d image lamenting her loss.

Oddly enough, I don’t feel as though you took out your grief on any of the objects you modeled in this scene. I was sort of imagining chairs and wine glasses twisted by your despair as you made them. Maybe I’m just expecting expressionism from a piece that seems to be too simple for that sort of thing.

Next time you want to illustrate your emotions, try and wait until you feel at your worst, then get on blender and start modeling. It might not work, since blender is usually soothing and relaxing. In that case, just keep blendering when you feel bad, and you’ll feel better.

Lo siento, mi amigo.
Been there, done that. it sucks.

@Rocketman: well, the subject, it was not really for me, i just thought about it, but when i was close to finish, she dumped me, so, this image do not really express my feelings, as i said, it fits now, but originally it had not nothing to do with my life… but thanks! and that is true! blender is relaxing… thank for your critic…sorry if i made you feel pitty for me, that was not the intention… it was just part of the story.

oh! yeah the curtains… well, i choose that texture, it’s like… a teddy bear, but as a second sight, yeap, they do look like towels, hehehehe, maybe he didnt had money to purchase curtains, and he implemented the towels… just kidding. :wink:

Lol! I must say, I find that pretty funny… but I would have trouble criticizing this scene too much… I don’t want to make you feel any worse:p.

One of the most realistic things I’ve seen on this forum :smiley: Good job!

imo the glass is too thick. Anything else looks really good.

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Good concept for a first scene, and well executed. No crits except for those already named above.:slight_smile: 3 stars from me

I can’t view the images

I must say, I absolutely love the tablecloth. It looks fantastic to me.
The drapes could be longer, more translucent, possibly look more of a silken material, but that’s hardly a definitive thing. The other glass -is- in the shadow a little bit too much, maybe having a mixture of light and shadow on it could be powerful. I don’t have too much experience with wine bottles, but I don’t think I’ve seen too many that are quite that fat, so it may be something to look at.
It may be due to AO settings or such, but the drapes seem a bit grainy, whereas the rest of the image seems good to me, which is odd. It may have to do with the light color, which may distract the focus of the viewer. Some DOF could improve the image, maybe experiment with that?
A last suggestion would be to put a little bit of wine in the fallen cup, possibly straining the cloth, suggesting despair?

Regardless of any changes, I love the image, I think it’s very powerful, and very well executed. Excellent job.


I can’t veiw the images either…

las texturas estan perfectas, y el modelado me encantó, de echo si puedes, me gustaria saber como hicistes los textiles,


PD: de alguna forma me gusta ver que este obra tuya es basado en algo de tu vida personal, eso siempre le da mas expresion al trabajo.

I can’t see the pictures. What site did you host them on?

Can’t see it either.