I have wracked my brain for the last while scouring the Blender Python API for a way to shift an object so that it’s origin is at the cursor location. There’s a button in the UI to do it, but I’ll be a monkey’s uncle if I can figure out the API call(s) required to duplicate the functionality.
Also, there does not seem to be a Cursor object … Although there is Window.GetCursorPos().
Don’t know if you got it working already, but here’s a solution. It works on the currently active object.
import Blender
from Blender import *
cursor = Window.GetCursorPos()
vcursor = Mathutils.Vector(cursor)
scn = Scene.GetCurrent()
sel = scn.objects.active
if sel:
if sel.type=='Mesh':
loc = sel.getLocation('worldspace')
vloc = Mathutils.Vector(loc)
d = vcursor-vloc
m = sel.getData(False,True)
for v in m.verts:
It’s a bit of a quick one, so no error handling included.
# Centre object around cursor
bounds = object.getBoundBox()
sx = 0.0
sy = 0.0
sz = 0.0
for bound in bounds:
sx += bound[0]
sy += bound[1]
sz += bound[2]
object.LocX = sx / 8
object.LocY = sy / 8
object.LocZ -= sz / 8
Since changing the object’s centre was proving too difficult (I tried three or four ways, including yours, all without luck), I approached the problem from a slightly different angle. The code above allowed me to resolve the issue.
The result is a text warping script; see my post in this forum for details.