I am doing an animation with volume effect particles system and gas domain with. But theres seems to be a shimmering effect on the object after rendering. Can someone please recommend and fix and say why this is happening
What do you mean by saying “shimmering”? I don’t see anything like that in your video
nor do i … but is that due to the small resolution/compression of the uploaded… when i saw the topic, i was wondering if this is the noise handling in blender, that’s frame by frame and not animation as a whole, that the OP is talking about. (not that i have a solution, though it’s come up (& solved) on many threads here)
Maybe just some noise in there, ye. Anyway, if noise is the case, it is rather use 3rd party software to remove it, or, incread samples up 10^100 but not every machine could handle this.
Or like you’ve just said, resolution might be the second reason of this, indeed.
I converted the animation into GIF to upload, the final render is pretty good 1080 res with 500 samples per frame and denoising. the the object keeps showing this effect while moving. i tried increasing the samples , light path setting even the material but its something to do with the object or the rendering itself. I dont quiet get whats wrong.
Oh sorry I meant the jaggy moving effect u see on the wireframed object in the animation.
I might be because of the volume scatter you’re probably using to make that fog effect.
i turned off the principled volume material and its still there
well make sure that you didn’t hide something else from the render view in an outliner
actually its there in the solid view it self. the object is when the animation is paused but when u play it the object edges become ragged and not smooth