Shiny plastic/car body lighting....

Hi folks…

I’m working on a logo and I want to light it so it reflects “florescent” car show-room style lighting. I think I remember seeing somewhere that it was done with a flat plane above the model, emitting light? Or reflecting light? or something…

that in turn would be reflected off the actual object you’re modelling.

Any quick tutes on that somewhere?


Sonic has a nice Car paint library blend file. Shift+f1 to import the material settings into your project, it will save you many hours of trial and error.

As for the light set up, there’s a million ways to do that, someone else can help you with that.

thanks, but neither mirrors are working. Invalid links…

hmmm…I guess I’ll wait until someone else can help me. In the meantime, I’ll keep trying the light setup…

That’s not good. I’ll have to pm Mr Sonic about that. His car library file is very good, I got a copy of the blend file, I can email to you if you want. To give you and idea what his car library is like, this whole car was textured with it.


I just can’t get it. It’s probably one little parameter that I’m missing…




try a quad lamp, with
Ambient Occlusion turned on in your world settings.

You can also turn up the amount of Ambient light in your scene, and make your material recieve more of it, to get flater lighting.