Ships Cabin

This a project that I’ve been working on for a few hours.
It seems like something is missing, but I don’t know what.

I think the background is too empty - only someone of note or worth would of had a cabin on a period ship - The Skipper, doctor, XO or Jimmy for example. Maybe decide who the cabin belongs to, and throw in some equipment based on their role. I think the scene just looks too empty. Remember Ships were stocked up for months at sea…

Also - I’m only starting out in Blender, But I was always told (When doing Level Creation for games) that it was a mistake to try and falsely create atmosphere in a picture by lowering the lighting levels. Your render does look very dark, although, I understand that you are only using one candle. Have a look for HMS Victory pictures (from Portsmouth, England - The Royal Navy’s Flagship - Currently maintained at the almost same state it was always in) or other period ships. Either that, or watch Master & commander a few times :slight_smile: to get a few ideas of what the cabins are actually like. You’ll be surprised :slight_smile:

EDIT: Also, just noticed the Flame doesn’t seem attached to the candle? maybe thats the camera angle?

It’s supposed to the cabin of a navigator of captian. Probably a captian. So I’ll try adding some weapons of some kind and maybe a wine bottle

Ok, How’s This?

First off, this is a promising start!

A few suggestions. I’d recommend using ambient occlusion to add some shadow highlights in the corners and whatnot. Turn it to “Multiply”. This way, you can use the environment lighting still to add necessary back lighting.

The other suggestion is that the color scheme is really monochromatic. It’s a lot of brown and not much of anything else. I’d recommend adding some color to the scene (any colored object, such as a flag or blanket or something could do). This will break up the endless browns.

Don’t let me get you down. This is looking really good! But if you do those recommendations, it’ll look even better. =)


How many ships have been aboard? On ships (except maybe large cruise ships) there are no 90 degree angles between decks and bulkheads. Typically, the deck manages to curve up as you go forward. If the cabin is against the hull (which it will be unless it is a really large vessel) it will curve outward as it goes up and inward as you go forward.

Hey man, nice job. I dont know, could be me, but the map looks like it its a piece of cardboard, and floating a bit. Also, the compass looks like its hanging off the floating map. If its just me, im sorry. Keep it up.

Good background although agree with the ideas about non-90 degree angles - get some reference images. A ships cabin is crammed into the structure of the ship awkwardly and it’s an opportunity to model a much more interesting space than a cubic room and really give it some character. What else might you want to add? if it’s the captain’s or navigator’s room then you should definitely throw in some nav equipment, not just the compass - sextants, timekeeping devices, telescopes, there are some beautiful navigation devices out there you can model, that would both look impressive & say something about the owner of the room. A captain might have decorated cushions or wall hangings or other luxuries. Finally, you can never have too much rope on a ship. Just some ideas you are welcome to steal.

Look forward to seeing more - what’s it for? :slight_smile: