
This will be an adjustable shock with a compression adjuster. I still have a lot to learn. I found Cycles the other day and I tried it. Anyway. I’ll post more pics of the progress later.

Update: Here’s some wires. Lighting is done with HDRI image only, no lights. Using internal blender render. I’m actually impressed with the built-in render-er.

Final Renders. Cycles with 1000 passes and HDRI for lighting. Not perfect but it’s a start.

Very nice =-) are they normally that shiny? I know nothing about cars

No there dull color

and nice shock only thing i can say is make the color less shinning and more dull

I agree, too shiny. Final render will be right. I was just messing with cycles and I must say it is a good render-er.

I would like to update this thread, but I do not know how to insert small pics with links to bigger pics. Pleas help. Thank you.

If you select the paperclip icon when creating a post (it won’t appear in Quick Reply) and then find your image and upload it (if it is a large image) it will show a small version of the image which expands when it is selected.

Thank you BlEnDeR fan!