This is very cool stuff, he adds faces and those are sculptable as well and the origional sculpted area is preserved, no need to start over, would have lots of uses.
Aaaah! Great!
About time, looks awsome!!
Interesting development. The workflow is getting more and more dynamic!
What happens if you delete a face? Looks awesome though!
Hi Nicholas, WOW this is a great stuff, I don’t know very much software that can do this, examples… Hexagon, Silo, etc… they can not delete face without losing all the displacement, are this thing going to be in a official release? if not, please contact Ton or someone of the blender`s devs… cause THEY HAVE to put this on.
Sweet! Thank you Nicholas for this great addition! This really adds alot of freedom to sculpting as you are no longer constrained by the inital topology. Anyone know where I can find a build that has editable multires? I’m dying to play with this!
very interesting !
great to see this feature coming in !!!
Silo can delete faces without losing displacment, but it can’t handle things like splitting a face without losing displacements for that original face. Thats what I’m curious to see, is how this work for actual modifications of faces themselves.
Anyway, great work Nicholas, can’t wait until its finished!
Now that’s just sweet! Great work Nicholas
I’ve just made build from Nicholas branch and new sculpt works great. But I think it will be even better if displace modifier will be shown in edit mode too. Now sometimes it’s hard to predict which faces to subdivide or add.
And I see that when I press subdivide button to add another multires level all sculp data are lost.
Ah, non-destructive goodness. This is the true essence of digital art – being able to go back and fix something you did wrong.
And I see that when I press subdivide button to add another multires level all sculp data are lost.
Subdividing faces now will not destroy sculpt data