…this is our first shortfilm animation made with blender
Here are my personal thoughts on the thread. For one, I don’t get the entire plot of this story at all. So the gunslinger comes inside of a empty bar and then shows a octopus in differrent shot which brings me to my second train of thought. Any time you are showing any type of human nudity, please give us a warning. I personaly am not offended by it, but to others, it may be too graphic. My last train of thought will end at the station with this statement. I didn’t see any emotion on the faces of the character. Even if the character is not talking, a sense of emotion has to be expressed in order for the viewer or the audience as a whole can she what that person is going through at that precise moment.
I think its crossed the line. I do not have a problem with nude models but this is sex with a squid. Even though it is poorly done it still is.
I hate to say it but I didn’t like it, as was mentioned there wasn’t a plot, I did like the scene when he walked into the bar at first. but in the end, it’s like all the lighting was incorrect. I didn’t like the whole sex with the squid scene, and there needs to be a warning for it as well. I would hope that you guys would consider a re-edit on this. if just for the sake of the plot. I know you said it’s your first, and I hope that you make corrections and re-present it.
I like it a lot. Especially for a first animation. It’s like art-house vid of a nightmare. I though it was cool.
If the nudity offends the sensibilities of the good religious folks out there, then I’m sure God will take the hint and stop making naked women.
Personally, I thought the squid sex was hot.
But I do agree that it needs a warning: “No squids were hurt in the making of this animation.”
That should cover all the bases.