Hey everyone! I just completed another short film about a man who learns the importance of having a good attitude.
With the help of After Effects and Blender, I was able to create logos and change the colors of the objects and room based on the character’s emotions.
It took about 12 hours to build the set for this film
It took about 3 days to do all of the masking, tracking, and color changing.
I hope you enjoy this short film and all of the hard work that went into it.
Blender and After Effects are two very powerful instruments :yes:
Thank you all for your support, and don’t forget to consider subscribing
InSearchGFX: Thanks! I appreciate it. We actually did paint the whole set blue and green at first for the beginning and end shots. And then we painted it red for the middle shots.
Regarding modeling the chair and table in Blender (or any other 3D program for that matter), it could be done of course. However, it’s easier, cheaper, and looks better to use real objects, if they’re available. We were able to find the chair in a dumpster. And the desk was donated by one of the members of my group So that helped a lot.
georg: I’ve never posted screen shots before. But I’ll give it a go.
Here’s a screenshot of the logo design. Is this what you’re looking for?
Regarding final renders, yes, the logo was the only thing created in Blender.
However, a lot of tests and learning about masking and tracking was done in Blender (pre-pro stuff).