There is none by default. But you can create one.
You have to type “wm.context_toggle_enum” as identifier.
Then, in Context Attributes field, you have to type “object.display_type” .
Then, you just have to set SOLID as one value and WIRE as the other one.
Thanks, but I’m a bit unfamiliar (i seems) to this procedure. Tried to make shortkey but appearently failed (see error message) and have no clue of what the app tells me.
What is wrong is that I gave you solution for Blender 3.0 that looks like your first screencapture.
But now, according to your last screencapture, you are trying to apply it to 2.79.
In 2.79, you have to replace object.display_type by object.draw_type .
It is the same thing that was renamed between blender 2.79 and blender 3.0.