Simple scene. Modelling and materials - 10min.
Render - 340min.
That shotglass has sharp edges, seems a little dangerous. I take it you aren’t interested in the scene as a composition here, just model demo?
I just wanted try how long it take to render it.
340 minutes? Don’t you think thats a bit long for a scene like that? What renderer did you use and on what processor was it rendered?
340 mins?!?!?!?! THATS INSANE!
That must be one high poly shot glass… with a raytrace depth of about a million… or your pc is a pentium 0 or something
Hahaaa. I subsurfed it and it has 15000 polys. Raytrace depth 6 and 4 lights. Internal renderer. PC is 2,6 GHz, 4GB ram.
wow, your nuts, I would have subsurfed only turned on for the final render, not the viewport, and I wouldnt have made the edge cuts so pronounced, but the color of the liquid looks good…
I just tried your scene on my computer…took 5 minutes…maybe you were also turning on AO? no that couldnt be the case because there is no image burn T~T
I agree…your computers lying to you, its a pentium 0
AO was turned on.
as a fan of your past work i know you can do much better. i also know that you only rendered this scene for one reason, to piss off your computer. Well done my friend. im enjoying these new sarcastic threads that keep popping up. maybe you could recreate Sam M’s stunning “Cubes” render to see how long you can make it take.
340 mins? IT’S OVER 9000!!! seconds.
There are two ways to approach rendering:
- Modeling what a thing is.
- Modeling what a thing looks like.
If you try to model “a glass” based on what it is, then you’re probably going to do ray tracing and lots of refraction calculations and … my, oh my, next month when the render’s finally finished, my, oh my, it does look perfect. If it wasn’t for those pesky deadlines.
@Albion… dude you’re insane… with edges that sharp why would you need a subsurf in the first place?? maybe one level to make sure that the vertical part is as smooth as possible… but they you could have just started with a cylinder of 64 verts instead of 32… oh well, everything is a learning experience