Shots fired - UPBGE - is making serious commits - bullet 3 and BVHTREE.from_KX_MeshProxy() - and more

Shots fired - UPBGE - is making serious commits - bullet 3 and BVHTREE.from_KX_MeshProxy() - and more

with these accelerations we can have dynamic impact damage, in game sculpting,
threaded physics, soon batched raycasts.

there has been remaking of VBO systems and deformers and optimizations and much more~!

Thank you PanzerGame ! and also thank you Lord_loki and youle !

if you cut off the head of a hydra, it shall spring two.

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they need to make it easy to download it.than building upbge.So that the community can see it and use it easily.

the release cycle is 3 months features - 1 month bug fixing - release -> repeat.

so they do not have a already built version of the current one?i have the hardware skinning one and it is pretty good.

yes, I’ve been paying close attention to what they have been up to. They have been really pushing lately.

This one is a good one too.

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